In a world that is screaming individuality, we find it ironic that when it comes to schooling everyone is supposed to fit into the same peg. I am not an educator, and I am thankful for that. I do however feel that most children would get so much more out of being taught in the style they learn in, and I will 100% always stand by that statement. Of our four kids, we have reference book reading learners, we have hands on learners, we have hear it and it’s implanted in their memory bank for life learners and so on. So unlike our fine state that we live in who thinks giving all the kids, no matter their learning style, intelligence, giftedness or special need that they will all be assessed in the exact same manner – well that sure is a fine way to assess a teacher, don’t you think? I am thankful I am not assessed in that manner when dealing with my children because any grounded, present, really paying attention to their kid parent knows that what works for one child may not work for the others and vice versa.

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