Our quest for healthy budget friendly meals never stops around here. We are beyond thankful to have the opportunity to bring these meal plans to you with the help of our on-line food blogger community. Love the recipes you see? Join our Recipe Swap and Share page on Facebook for daily recipe posts from some of the best food bloggers (in our humble opinion) and at home chefs! Grab this week’s grocery list that contains all the items you’ll need to make all these delicious dinners (we are leaving breakfast and lunch up to you, although we have given you some great ideas below!) Be sure to double check each recipe for quantities to suite your family’s size.
We are LOVING this Chicken BLTA Salad because all of this dish can be prepped ahead of time and assembled in 5 minutes before you eat. It’s also a great meal for those on the go nights when maybe not everyone can sit down at the same time. Set it up taco bar style and let everyone make their salad when they get home!
Don’t we all need at least one slow cooker meal each week? One that we can toss in the slow cooker, toss in the fridge and pull out a day later and plug in! This Slow Cooked Italian Style Beef is one of those dishes! This is especially awesome if you know you will have weekday company!
Around here we don’t do take out. That doesn’t mean we don’t love the flavors of your classic take out food. And how fun is a deconstructed meal? This Egg Roll in a Bowl recipe will satisfy your craving for your local take out egg rolls with none of the yucky stuff 🙂
Noodles, noodles, noodles…who doesn’t love a good pasta dish? It’s one of the top things our kids request each week. We have been loving the bean based pastas available these days! This Spinach and Pasta with Pan Roasted Cauliflower & Cream Sauce will hit the mark on this week’s pasta adventure in your kitchen!
Grilled Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas ummmm do we really need to say anything else? OK, add a quick tossed salad to your table.
If you are like us, you are always looking for some new ideas for lunches. We have done a lot of the searching for you…follow our two boards on Pinterest for lunch ideas for YOU and your KIDDOS!
Grab and go breakfasts are all the rage in this house…5 people are running out the door all within 15 minutes of each other. Have we mentioned we only have one full bathroom? Oh, that’s another story for another time. Right now is the time to make these Carrot Coconut Muffins!
Baked Oatmeal is always one of our breakfast staples. This kids love it and request it often. We make it ahead and freeze it in small zippy bags for quick breakfasts on the go. And sometimes if mom gets up early enough I may even make it fresh in the morning. Oh, there is nothing like the smell of this baking while they are getting ready for their day! Bonus, you can make this with gluten free oats too if you want a gluten free version. I’ve even made it with canned coconut milk before and it turns out awesome!
I always love getting my meal plan email from you! I can’t wait to try that Egg Roll in a Bowl (say what!?!) Yummm! I have tried the BLTA salad already and loved it too, looking forward to diving into the rest of this weeks recipes.
Thank you Melissa! These have all been a hit here, as we’ve had most of them before we published the meal plan. ENJOY!