The weather has that crisp nip to it…you want to linger in bed just a few minutes longer and the aroma of all things warm, earthy and full of cinnamon provide some kind of unknown needed comfort. While pumpkin spice runs rampant so does my need to use up the extra few bananas that never seem to get eaten. And while I love love me some pumpkin spice everything, let’s not over look the amazing abundance of apples this season.
We have such warm memories of apple picking with our kids at an orchard near where I grew up that has since closed 🙁 It is one of the best fall activities if you live somewhere that it’s possible, I would try to make it a priority if not a tradition. And while we haven’t gone the past few years, I long for that fall apple love. So why not combine the two things…left over bananas as well as the fall harvest of apples!
Now as a heads up, this does not give you a complete recipe. Say what now?!? Hey, I’m a simple gal, and feeding a crew of peeps here, I don’t always have time to recreate everything, that’s where my staple recipes come in, like my quick breads, I swear by the recipes in the Better Homes & Gardens cook book my great aunt gave me. You know the one, it’s red and white checked, I have some kind of special edition that is gold. And to be honest it’s the only cook book in my kitchen. If you aren’t a baker and your idea of baking muffins comes with the instructions of add water – you are in luck! Grab your favorite brand of banana bread mix and meet me down in the instructions area below! Because this is more about how to add to a current recipe and less about the actual baking process itself.

Fall Harvest Banana Apple Muffins
One recipe for Banana Bread OR one box of your favorite Banana Bread Mix
I substituted the milk in the original recipe with apple cider. Now it was a small amount so if your bread mix doesn’t call for water or milk, no worries, that little bit won’t make that big of a difference in the flavor.
Once you have your dry ingredients together, add:
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup of oats (old fashioned or quick cooking, I’ve used both and it doesn’t seem to matter)
1/4 cup of chopped dried cranberries (if you are making large muffins no need to chop them, I chop them for mini muffins)
1/2 a large apple, finely grated – I used Granny Smith (my favorite for baking) and add in to the wet ingredients
Follow your recipe’s instructions on mixing and baking. Please note that the muffins may take a few extra minutes due to adding the grated apple, so set time for what your recipe suggests and test to see.

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