We’d been praying for it, for years, and IT was happening! While hubby was a bit disappointed he wouldn’t be missing any work days, we were still hyped by the impending weather. Apparently the storm was hard to track…I have no idea. I have no cable and don’t watch weather sites, all I use is the generic weather app that comes on the I-phone. Sometimes I look at it, most of the time I do not. But this time I was watching it. I was so anxious with anticipation I couldn’t contain myself. Not only had the storm changed from several inches to several feet, there were also high winds and the likelihood of power outages. Excellent! We had the devices charged, the batteries stockpiled, along with a mountain of fire wood in the garage. The hubby even cleaned the garage out enough to get his car inside – this alone was a historic event!
As we hunkered down Friday night in front of a fire, I was so thankful for the upcoming time together, alone as a family just the six of us. It’s not often that we all get to spend that time together just being. We all needed it, our schedules had been taking us different directions and this was going to be the time we needed together. To mentally detox, physically relax and reconnect as a family. Saturday morning I awoke to blustery winds and already 6 or more inches of snow on the ground. As I got a hearty breakfast together for our family I couldn’t help but think of how awesome it is to have a God so powerful He gives you exactly what you need when you need it.
I kept the fire going, food flowing (forget the milk – I wish I’d had some paper plates!) and snow clothes dry and ready. As hubby shoveled for hours at a time, kids ‘helped’ shovel, came in and out for food, played games and participated in making our home look like something out of an episode of Hoarders. But we were there, all together, just the 6 of us…ok and an occasional straggler child from the neighborhood. As Saturday evening fell upon us and the storm started to settle I could barely wait to spend the next few days hunkered down now that the majority of the heavy work had been done.

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