I’ve been a SAHM and sometimes a WAHM for 16 years and counting….my strategy for feeding my family has evolved through the years but has NEVER wavered from wanting to provide my family with the healthiest most nutritious meals we could afford. I added ‘afford’ because until the past two years what we could afford fluctuated, but my quest to feed four children and two adults from scratch, healthy meals never did. I recently took a little poll on FaceBook and it seems as though people are looking for a game plan, ideas, or just in general would like to cook more for their family, or are just nosy and want to know what I feed my family ;p
Now I would love to tell you I’m some super organized, penny pinching, coupon clipping super mom that feeds two almost three teenagers and one child and two adults…that would be 6 people total…for just mere pennies a day – if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the wrong place. I do however know how to pretty well calculate all 21 meals for the week plus snacks, toiletries, vitamins and dog food. When I look at our grocery ‘budget’ for the week I want to pass out, work two more jobs or scrap the kids and buy a condo at the beach! So I’m throwing it out there for you – our weekly grocery budget is $375…now that you pulled yourself up off the floor let me break it down for you…or as hubby likes to say, reduce it to the ridiculous…for 6 people, 21 meals and snacks (we rarely ever will all eat out together (aka we go on date nights alone), we will have an occasional delivered pizza night, otherwise we NEVER order out!) that is $2.50/person/meal and $0.50/person/snack – that’s 3 meals and 3 snacks a day….BUT remember, I said I also purchase our toiletries and dog food in that same budget – so yes, I am feeding my family of 6 for less then it would cost me to feed them all a Happy Meal ($2.99 for the chicken nuggets) for every meal and that doesn’t come with a side of shampoo and toilet paper. As a side note, I buy all organic meats and as much produce and other things as I can – so if you aren’t going to do that, you could bring that price down some! Now that we have the money accounted for, I will also tell you that I only shop at one store for everything. Alas – that seems so old school, what with all the options and everything? Well, I have thoughts on this – one, I am too busy to be running all over to different stores, and unless you are a very disciplined individual, every time you walk into another store, you end up getting something you didn’t need. That brings me to another point, I only shop once a week – it used to be every two weeks, but because I shop alone and the store I go to changed their carts, I can’t fit two weeks worth into one cart.

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